Admin Bennett

Value Proposition

Some would say I expect too much out of what I read, watch, or listen to because I expect VALUE. This stems from how much I value my time and time in general. It is the most valuable commodity in mankind. We all have it, want more of it, and hope it never runs out but it does for everyone. Obviously, there are exceptions to always wanting VALUE such as a funny movie, which I haven’t watched in 5 years…. Warren Bufffet said “Price is what you pay for something, value is what you get out of something” ….I couldn’t agree more with the “Oracle from Omaha”…Now to be clear the “giver” of the value is as much responsible as the “receiver” extracting the value. What do I mean by that?

My whole business has been based on providing more, greater, and unmatched value to every transaction/situation. In this instance I am the giver of the value and have chosen to provide such value. I have created value for Tenants, Landlords, Sellers, and my partners. I am truly critical of my own self-responsibility to provide this value…that’s because I KNOW if I do not provide value than I have not met my responsibilities.

For the receiver, things aren’t as clear but they’re way more exciting. People try to monetize the value of something all the time. But sometimes the value you receive from something is impossible to quantify. The best part of value is it is LIMITLESS in terms of how much and how long it can last. If you went to a Tony Robins event in the 90’s and apply something you have taken from him to the success of your business that’s nearly 25 years of value being used over and over again.

In an era when every person believes they are an expert entrepreneur, motivational speaker, or master vlogger there is A LOT of substance out there to sift through but if processed the right way, there is more value than ever before right at your fingertips…

My commitment is to always try to provide value. That doesn’t mean I’m trying to change the world one conversation at a time but it DOES push you to fulfill more and give more in business and your life and has proven to attract more opportunities. From the other side, I ALWAYS try to spend time on things I think will provide me value, even in challenging deal-making circumstances or on deals that fall apart, what you learn from those experiences is the VALUE proposition.

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Bayonne: A City of Happenings

Recently I had a great conversation with Mayor Jimmy Davis of Bayonne. He and his administration have done some incredible things in helping the growth and renaissance for his city. By any measurement, The Peninsula City, as its called, is going through a BOOM… now here is why…

Positioned between Staten Island & Jersey City, with four light rail stops within the city limits, Bayonne is geographically second-to-none for commuters and the like. The Mayor is a big supporter and is actively working with the Port Authority to add ferry service from the former Military Ocean Terminal base to lower Manhattan, a move that would surely drive the high-paying Wall Street commuter to pay closer attention to Bayonne. These community amenities increase desirability and, combined with lower housing costs than those found in Jersey City and Brooklyn, the arrival of many thousand new units will attract new residents to the city. According to the Mayor, by July 2018 Bayonne will have over 1,100 residential units and a new Costco under construction.

When I asked Mayor Davis what is different between his city and others that have boomed on the Gold Coast, he said that the millennials moving to Bayonne and renting a new apartment and “trading up” as their life events advance, into single-family homes. His administration’s progressive outlook on the city and hands-on approach to spur growth epitomizes how public officials can create growth. The mayor concluded the conversation with a personal invitation to city hall for a tour of Bayonne. I gladly accepted and look forward to it.

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2018 Tax Reform

There is a lot of smoke and mirrors being employed by both sides of the aisle when it comes to the recently passed tax plan. Some would have you believe it is the end of the middle class, while others all but guarantee a golden age for those who would climb higher. But how will it affect the commercial real estate market? Ultimately we will have to wait and see, but the plan as it is designed to work looks good for investors and appears to avoid a cataclysmic event that some have predicted.

While there are still a lot of questions about the overall benefits, the investment and commercial property sectors have reason to rejoice, to the point that they are consistently being called the “big winners” in this tax reform.

First of all, of course, is the corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 21%. This is an instant savings for all incorporated investment property owners and retailers alike, allowing them to further invest or provide larger bonuses. The examples to date include; Apple, Home Depot, Starbucks, and Walmart to name a few.

The new law limits interest expense deductions to 30% of adjusted taxable income, but most operations that would incur interest for investment property owners are exempt from this rule.

While home equity debt is no longer deductible for most people, there is a clause that allows the proceeds of such a deduction to be used for the acquisition of new properties or improvement of an existing rental property. Excess capital gains can be deferred by similar means.

Investment property owners can also fully expense some investments, rather than having them spread out over years – a process that will allow investors to consider further expansion.

There is also a “freebie” deduction of 20% of qualified business income for pass-through entities, and those making an income of less than $157,000 if filing single or $315,000 if filing jointly will be automatically qualified for this deduction without the requirement of a wage and basis calculation.

There is one missed opportunity that would have been an additional benefit for investment property owners. At one point, there had been a proposal to change the “useful life” of commercial property to 25 years from the current 39 years. This would have increased the annual amount for this deduction. Unfortunately, we will not be seeing this, as it did not make the final bill.

One thing that is not changing, that will be of benefit to investors, is the IRS Section 1031 exchanges. Investors can still immediately reinvest gains in property sales to similar properties in order to defer that gain. Many had feared that 1031’s may have been greatly impacted or revised but fortunately that was not the case.

Finally, because this is a huge tax bill and it was pushed through relatively quickly, it is almost certain that there will be loopholes to be taken advantage of. Hopefully, we can all find them soon!

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2018 Perspective

While I can spend time predicting market trends and changes for 2018 in what is The Bennett Blog’s 1st Edition of a New Year, I think it’s worthwhile to put things in Perspective….one of my favorite words and a practice I live by. If you read our Bennett Blog you know these blogs have lacked some personal content from who is actually writing them, me. And there has been a void in the “Story.” Well here is my massively condensed story…

Entrepreneurship has been engrained in my DNA from the start. My mother was, and still is, a residential realtor and my father the owner of a nursery and landscaping company. Both were self-made. There was never any doubt, if you wanted something growing up in our house, you worked for it, PERIOD. Especially when you have two older brothers like I did! You didn’t complain or look for blame, you worked harder. The point is, you control your own destiny. When my brothers and I turned 14 we were given a shovel and sent to work digging ditches with our Father so that we could save up enough money over the summers to buy each of our first cars…that was the rule in our house, you buy your first car, period. I remember playing in my high school basketball summer league and showing up to the games with dirt under my fingernails from working for my father all day.

Having played sports my whole life and excelled in basketball, I played at Albright College in Reading, PA. This was my first experience to realizing there was way more to life than sports. After my freshman year, I transferred to Montclair State University and had to redshirt my Sophomore year. To fill the void from not playing basketball, I started a mobile detailing business and that was the end of my NBA aspirations. We detailed high end cars and boats in the summers, but it ultimately turned in to a full-time business and my first serious endeavor working for myself. I had my appointment calendar, would display my business cards all over my town, created pricing brochures, and hustled non-stop. By my senior year I was packing a full semester in to 2 days a week of classes so that I could run my business the other 5 days and commute from home to be closer to my customer base. For a 20-year-old, I was making money. Then I graduated, and reality hit me. After stumbling to find my way and working full time for a international metal company, I took the leap and went into real estate full time. Starting at a local commercial real estate company, taking every meeting, listing, or opportunity that I could to get my name out there. I remember saying to my broker, the harder it gets, the more I want to succeed. I made $30,000 in the first 2 years and even living with your parents that is NOT a lot of money.

I started Bennett Realty with one main purpose in mind; no more partners, no more distractions, and no more unnecessary BS. I want to go full tilt! Having a fully integrated brokerage and development platform, an approach that is not commonly seen, has left no dull moment and has been the most exciting time of my career.

After less than 2 years, we have continued our successful record of accomplishment of growth for our existing clients, secured new ones, and signed multiple development deals that are expected to start construction in 2018. During that growth, we launched a major social media campaign and plan to raise that effort to new heights in 2018. We won’t stop being uncomfortable…. part of the reason I wrote this!

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Not an ‘End’, Just a Reflection….2017 Wrap Up

The past 12 months will surely go down as a memorable year in the real estate business and perhaps be viewed as the year of the “pivot”, or the first significant change in the market in a generation. The creation of the social media explosion and ecommerce have forever changed the game. Many people and retailers continued to play catch-up and reacted on a situational basis instead of adopting long term plans to coexist and thrive in this new world. Others greatly benefited from this and we saw, and will continue to see, online “e-tailers” open brick-and-mortar locations. Inevitably during this change, the market had its casualties. In 2017 there were more bankruptcies in a 12-month period in the retail sector than almost any other time. Acquisitions by both online and brick-and-mortar retailers was a HUGE part of industry change, from Amazon buying Whole Foods to Walmart buying A big part of this is driven by millennials who also greatly impacted the multi-family and residential market, and created a boom in the mixed-use transit projects from the suburbs to the urban areas.

We close out 2017 with the first tax reform bill in the U.S. in 35 years and while pundits and experts are debating the potential impact, many retailers are already predicting a near 15% reduction in their Corporate Tax Rate adding to their bottom lines, which means more growth, and ultimately more jobs and commerce. I have spent a lot of time discussing and writing about what has been coined as this “Retail Armageddon” and its hyper-reaction to admittingly big changes that have occurred and mostly from the position of disagreement. Its not that people don’t have money to spend on retail, like they did in the Great Depression, they HAVE the money, the consumer is there, they are just getting things and their information in a different and diverse way today.

I’m excited about next year and some of the very BIG things we have in the pipeline. We will likely be under construction on a new development project, continue to push and succeed for our existing clients in an unrivaled way, and continue to grow and perfect our infrastructure in all aspects. Thoughts become things and that will never change….wishing everyone a Happy Holiday and Prosperous New Year.

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New York 2017 ICSC Download

After spending 3 days at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)’s 2nd largest show in the world in New York City last week and having a week to dig out from the hundreds of emails, process the potential for new business, and follow up on last week’s meetings, I thought I would share some insight from the show and overall where the industry seems to be today.

There were many bright spots curating throughout the show, at a formal dinner I hosted, and all around the cocktail parties. These include the seemingly inevitable passage of some portion of the first tax reform in 30 years in the US, the early results of Black Friday and the overall optimism in the market. As I write this blog, I’m reading an article about retail sales jumping in the month of November…this is good news. I think something near a “settling in” is occurring in the industry, an understanding that the way people shop and how people live has changed, not ‘is changing’. No longer is news of a regional mall anchor’s closure triggering unnecessary panic or downward speculation, nor is the news about a 10-year-old lifestyle center going through a redevelopment and repurposing surprising…To me it’s more exciting and here is why; in a free market industry such as real estate no developer, broker, or tenant dictates how the market trades…only the market can. And the “market” is the consumer. The ‘changes” that are occurring are being responded to by the market with intuitive thinking and outside-the-box ideas. For the first time in the internet era, we are starting to ‘catch up’ on technology and instead of chasing the change are now building on this expectation in all aspects of our industry.

I hosted a dinner, had dozens of meetings, hopped around cocktail parties, shook a lot of hands, reconnected with old friends, and spent time with current ones….This show has always been a tremendous opportunity to reach the masses in a few short days, as long as you can handle the 18 hour days!

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The “Consolidation Affect”

Perhaps consolidation is something not discussed as much as it should be, or it is just something that we’ve softened to, like the continuance of bankruptcy filings. However, I find that this ongoing trend of the real estate industry has long lasting affects for both the overall market, and for the general consumer.

One theme is consistent; the larger companies continue to grasp at a growth mechanism that is centered around acquiring its rivals or competitors as opposed to ongoing growth of its own brand.

Think about this, in the first 8 months of 2017 Amazon bought Whole Foods, Walmart bought Bonobos and, Coach bought Kate Spade, Michael Kors bought Jimmy Choo, Camping World bought Gander Mountain, and, a few weeks ago, Walgreens Boots Alliance obtained federal approval to purchase over 1,900 Rite Aid Pharmacy stores, a deal that has been in the works for several years. Inevitably, some of these consolidations will create markets that will be over-stored and force some retailers to consider consolidating even further to just 1 brick and mortar presence in each market. I’m not predicting this will create a massive wave of vacancies, but it will certainly be a large part of deal flow in all sectors of commercial real estate in the future.

While consolidation is not something new, the uniqueness of today’s narrative is that it now includes brick and mortar companies acquiring online only retailers. If you would have said just 5 years ago that Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, would purchase an independent online retailer such as, no one would have believed it.

Consolidation has never been viewed as an industry disruptor, and in many cases in the past the industry has praised these events. It was assumed that it gave retail different channels that they did not previously have, but how will this affect the industry overall? Over the next decade, consolidation will certainly be large part of the evolution of retail.

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How many times have we heard of a Kmart or Sears store closing, potentially closing, or looking like a rag? It may be the most obvious topic in retail; Sears is in midst of a constant “store closing list”, the likes of which we have never seen before in retail. Perhaps Blockbuster Video was most like the slow demise we’re witnessing. However, Sears continues to have a heartbeat, mainly due to their REIT spinoff, Seritage, as well as their CEO’s continued equity injections to keep the retailer from being in default from its obligations. While no one quite knows the future of Sears, I don’t think anyone believes a turn-around is possible. The brand is just too beat down and there are too many other places to get what Sears sells.

Now that we have established the most obvious conclusion in retail, how does this slow demise affect the market? One word, “GOOD”! Of the 40-plus Sears I have been in or driven past not one of them proved to be the highest and best use of the Property, thus affecting the surrounding retail in many cases. The continued velocity of redevelopment, repurposing, and redevising of the Sears/Kmart buildings is fueling many of these markets and centers resurgence. Look at Kings Plaza in Brooklyn; a massive block box that was once Sears will be repurposed as a multi-tenant shopping and dining experience.

The real question is what will we do when Sears is gone??? Most would agree that if they can maintain a viable business, this “tap in to our real estate” game plan could go on for 20 years. It took Sears nearly 50 years to get to the portfolio they have today. Not ever has there been a tenant with so many stores in so many strong markets, with so much potential being so underutilized. Perhaps you could look back at the old school regional brands such as Bradlees, but most would agree this has not been seen before in retail. It would be interesting to know of all U.S. retail absorption last year, what percentage involved a former Sears or Kmart. In my world, it has contributed to A LOT of deals and will continue to do so for many, many years to come.


Are you thinking differently? If not, you’ll get left behind..

While most of my focus is in the retail sector of commercial real estate, I also develop mixed use apartment projects in New Jersey. More recently, I began realizing and seeing the correlation between retail and residential projects. While designing the size of a residential unit, understanding the construction of a parking deck, and the allocation of one, two, and three-bedroom apartments couldn’t appear further from the retail sector, I think there are more correlations than most would believe. And I don’t mean the obvious topics which every development site has to contend with like construction costs and projected revenue. I am referring to a more personal connection; if you understand how people shop, shouldn’t you also understand how people live?? Now I may have just lost many of you but consider this; if you are a retail broker marketing the ground floor retail of a new mixed-use project or a developer looking at a site that maybe should be a hybrid-mixed-use project, you SHOULD LISTEN to this. If you want to be a successful developer in today’s market or a good broker, can you really afford to NOT understand this correlation? Perhaps this works in the prairie fields of Nebraska, or the swamps of Central Florida, but in the Northeast and in my world where so much is and has changed, I believe one MUST attempt to understand this new world.

Not only is retail undergoing an evolution, but the way people live has changed drastically as well. It is not by coincidence that these things are changing simultaneously. The instant gratification that the internet has brought, has, in my opinion, created demand and expectations in the way we live. From renters in a new building wanting to have amenities in their building and access to mass transit, restaurants, free-wifi, and grocery stores, to the Amazon shopper who wants same day delivery. This used to be viewed as a Millennial Evolution, but it is obvious that it has bled to all demographics and all ages.

In a world where fortress malls are doing health clubs, constructing office buildings on excess land, incorporating entertainment districts, and proposing residential units on their property and cities are developing three stories of retail with full LED building signage, one does not have to look too far for the changes in retail than what we see happening in the New York Metro Market

Whether a Broker or Developer, consider this; you are trying to convince a retailer to take a site that perhaps has some of the characteristics mentioned above, don’t you think you should be able to explain who may be the office worker or the resident that lives or works above or near the location you’re trying to convince a retailer to take? I mean how can you NOT do this?? Alternatively, if you’re a developer perhaps raising capital, looking for debt, or selling a project, don’t you think you need to explain WHO your perspective renter or buyer will be? What I mean is, if you’re leasing a building to on-the-go commuting millennials, do you want to lease the ground floor retail space to a hearing aid shop. Some will say that in the mixed-use space, the retail is “gravy” and you’re not concerned with that, but as explained above, the retail components have become part of the amenities of the building and who you place there could greatly change the perception of the building. This is a topic that a sociology major could write their senior paper on…more will come on this topic

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Really, Retail is Dead??

As a developer and a broker, I am always looking to stay ahead of the curve and understand market conditions before they begin to affect the market. Since I, like many others, have read articles, blogs, comments, expert opinions, and panels that say retail is dead and Armageddon is upon us, I thought I would comment on the other side of that story and share an outlook that isn’t often talked about. Many people believe this other side of the story, there are just very few people who are voicing their opinions.

Let’s establish something first. I have been working in retail real estate for over a decade in New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut so my opinions are about the markets that I know. For this reason, my opinions likely will not apply to those outside of these markets, since I believe generalizing market trends is not only irresponsible, it is inaccurate. I can only speak to the markets that I work in every day.

So, the pundits are saying that retail is dead and, to a certain extent, they are right. But the only retail that is “dead” are the parts that have been dead or dying for many years. Who is surprised or concerned anymore when Sears announces that it is closing more stores? Radio Shack filed for bankruptcy (again). How is that news earth shattering? We have been hearing about their troubles for years. Ok, so you ask, what about Payless? Are you talking about the shoe retailer that has 3 stores in certain markets or stores that are a single mile away from each other? And you are surprised that they need to close stores? Come on, really? Do you want to talk about the anchor tenant who is not doing well? Did you really think that a 250,000 square foot anchor store’s sales would maintain or even grow with the internet revolution that is happening around us? If so, I wonder if you are in the right business.

I’m not saying the bankruptcy of Payless is not newsworthy but I am challenging that this can and should lead to a conclusion that perhaps is not accurate. Dead and changing are two very different terms. Retail is not dead, it is changing. Part of being successful in retail is accepting that change is constant. It is how we react to this change that defines the future.

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