I’m not delusional with the impact COVID-19 has and is having on us. I see what is happening, I am living through it. I own a small business and understand firsthand the hardship. The receivables have stopped coming in, projects are on hold, there is an uncertain future, it is day-to-day….but, I SEE IT. I see the END. Every day I wake up I know it is a day we get better; better as a country, more lives saved, more people cured, more understanding about the virus, closer to treatment, or even a vaccine. Maybe this is too “early” to write but there is wayyyyy TOO much fear, negativity, and lack of leadership from ALL the messengers out there. I can’t take to watch, listen, and believe it anymore. SO here I am, giving my thoughts and perhaps coping mechanism.

It’s too easy to fall prey to the mental subscription that many I know are falling to; will things ever get back? Nothing will be the same again! I got news for you, NOTHING is the same EVER. Things constantly change. That is about the constant in our world. I’m designed for challenges, we all are. Accept it.

On April 1st I started a challenge; every day on my Instagram account I post 1 positive thing; a thought, picture, video, or example. It is called the Calendar Club Challenge. It has been fulfilling to remain constant but also, at times, hard to believe and message positive thoughts in a hard time but I SEE IT. I see the end. I don’t know how exactly this “ends”, but I know it ENDS when we decide it to end.

This BLOG is for the small businesses, the entrepreneurs, the workers, and employees that are afraid, scared, and wondering if there is a clear path to this pandemic. Let me tell me what others won’t, don’t believe, are don’t have the guts to say because they think its too early; we will be back, your lights will come back on, you will NOT wear your pajamas forever, and WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS.

If you want this to END, you have to see the ENDING. You have to believe it will END. You have to know it will END. At the end of this, there isn’t a real END. JUST KEEP GOING.

Follow me on Instagram; @Tylerobennett

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